Bryghusets Historie
Our brewery is located in the heart of Nuuk in building 54 – one of the city’s oldest houses, which has undergone numerous renovations, new and rebuilding over the years.
The brewery has also given its name to the building, Godthaab Bryghus, which with its approx. 3,000 square meters is one of Nuuk’s largest commercial buildings, and today the building contains, in addition to the brewery, the restaurants Killut, the tavern Daddy’s Brew Pub, Takuss and GARAGEN.

Luca Dal Porto
Luca grew up in Italy with deep culture for food and beverage with good emotion floating around it.
His father through cooking, gave him passion for high quality food and beverage, that followed him in his growth towards becoming a brewer. After his degree in VLB Certified Brew master class in Berlin, Germany, he followed his passion and refined his knowledge working in the brewing industry. As a Head Brewer Luca, now work with dedication, passion and knowledge for the best quality beers, experimentation to give something unique and brew beers with “emotions”. His personal concept is that beer is special, fun but also more than just a drink.
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When collecting, processing and using your personal data, we always comply with all relevant and applicable legal provisions.
We will only store your personal data as long as we are either subject to a legal obligation to do so or as long as it is relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.
Information we collect:
If you wish to purchase and receive a product or service from us, we need to collect certain personal data in order to complete the transaction and to be able to offer you our services. Among other things, we use cookies to keep track of the contents of your shopping cart while you use our webshop.
We may collect information such as name, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different from postal address), telephone number and payment information.
Nilak A/S collects and processes your personal data when you do the following:
– Visiting our website
– Send us questions, complaints or feedback
The data controller
The data controller for the collection, processing and use of your personal data at is Kældermester, Niels Beier, Imaneq 30, 3900 Nuuk.
Basis and purpose of processing
We collect your general contact information such as name and address in order to deliver the product or service you have purchased from us. We collect your e-mail address in order to send you an order confirmation and a delivery confirmation.
Your information (except your email address, if you have consented to its processing for the purpose of receiving offers) will be deleted 2 years after you have received your product or service.
Other recipients of personal data
We do not sell your personal data to third parties and we do not transfer your personal data to third countries.
We have our website with, which acts as our data processor. All personal data that you provide on our website will be stored in’s data centers.
Vi bruger eksterne virksomheder som leverandører for at levere vores ydelser bedst muligt. Disse eksterne leverandører er databehandlere og behandler i visse tilfælde personoplysninger i forbindelse med deres levering af ydelser til os. Vores databehandlere behandler kun personoplysninger efter vores instrukser og i overensstemmelse med lovgivningens krav til databehandlere.
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• At få adgang til og få ændret dine persondata
• At få slettet persondata
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